When Guardians of the Galaxy hit theatres in 2014, Groot was inarguably one of the most memorable characters. Still, there were questions. James Gunn, the director of the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise, has answered a few. Groot is definitely dead. Baby Groot is definitely his “son.” Still, the scientific explanation for this was never really hashed out to the satisfaction of the Guardians nerdy fanbase. No worries. Wong’s tweetstorm makes it all perfectly clear. Even though Wong’s explanation was sufficiently down to Earth, it was far from enough to quell the internet’s speculation. Naturally, the discourse that followed his post was twice as confusing. The whole conversation immediately dovetailed into a long-winded and overly philosophical—but slightly fun— chat about “personal identity.” Okay. This conversation is slightly less fun now. Still, what might be even less fun is waiting until the end of the next Avengers movie in 2019 to find out about the future of the Groot family — such as it is.