High-quality wallets are, like most baseball gloves, made of cowhide, but because the cowhide never gets worked in beyond the area near the fold, the leather tends to be perfectly smooth or even feel lightly laminated. And it doesn’t give off that Little League smell. Fielder’s Choice wallets, because they’ve all lived other lives, have a nostalgic smell and a well-earned softness. They feel personal. Fielder’s Choice figured out what set their product apart. They could sell something that felt intensely personal. Now, they’ve doubled down. Fielder’s Choice new offering? Custom wallets made from individual gloves sent in by clients. That’s a less-than-graceful way of saying this: Men finally have an excuse to carry their childhood baseball gloves with them at all times. Alternatively, men have an excuse to carry their child’s first baseball glove — the most adorable and all-American artifact imaginable — in their back pocket without drawing the stares of worried strangers. What does it feel like to have one of these personal effects on hand? It might sound simplistic but … it feels good. Putting hard-earned currency in the folds of a glove feels like making a play. Handing over a few dollars (or, let’s be serious, a $10 bill) for a mid-day coffee feels like making the throw to first. And the smell lingers slightly on the fingers, a near-constant callback to getting called up for the first time or watching the kid make an unexpected play in the outfield. The wallets make a great gift for yourself or for others. Doesn’t matter. They become an intensely personal accessory immediately. The best part? You don’t even need to break them in. Every product on Fatherly is independently selected by our editors, writers, and experts. If you click a link on our site and buy something, we may earn an affiliate commission.